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Recommendations for the article A Survey on Graph Neural Networks for Time Series: Forecasting, Classification, Imputation, and Anomaly Detection

Abstract Title Authors Publication Date Journal/ Conference Citation count Highest h-index
visibility_off Graph Time-series Modeling in Deep Learning: A Survey Hongjie Chen, Hoda Eldardiry 2023-12-23 ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 1 15
visibility_off TimeGNN: Temporal Dynamic Graph Learning for Time Series Forecasting Nancy R. Xu, Chrysoula Kosma, M. Vazirgiannis 2023-07-27 ArXiv 0 54
visibility_off Graph Anomaly Detection in Time Series: A Survey Thi Kieu Khanh Ho, Ali Karami, N. Armanfard 2023-01-31 ArXiv 3 15
visibility_off Multivariate Time-Series Anomaly Detection based on Enhancing Graph Attention Networks with Topological Analysis Zhe Liu, Xiang Huang, Jingyun Zhang, Zhifeng Hao, L. Sun, Hao Peng 2024-08-23 ArXiv 0 2
visibility_off FourierGNN: Rethinking Multivariate Time Series Forecasting from a Pure Graph Perspective Kun Yi, Qi Zhang, Wei Fan, Hui He, Liang Hu, Pengyang Wang, Ning An, Longbin Cao, Zhendong Niu 2023-11-10 ArXiv 35 6
visibility_off MGADN: A Multi-task Graph Anomaly Detection Network for Multivariate Time Series Wei-Shu Xiong, Xiaochen (Michael) Sun 2022-11-22 ArXiv 1 2
visibility_off Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection via Dynamic Graph Forecasting Katrina Chen, M. Feng, T. Wirjanto 2023-02-04 ArXiv 4 22
visibility_off Edge Conditional Node Update Graph Neural Network for Multi-variate Time Series Anomaly Detection H. Jo, Seong-Whan Lee 2024-01-25 Inf. Sci. 0 1
Abstract Title Authors Publication Date Journal/Conference Citation count Highest h-index