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Recommendations for the article Multidimensional Approximation of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems

Abstract Title Authors Publication Date Journal/ Conference Citation count Highest h-index
visibility_off Dynamic tensor time series modeling and analysis A. Surana, G. Patterson, I. Rajapakse 2016-12-01 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 8 24
visibility_off Tensor Train Based Higher Order Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Dynamical Systems Keren Li, S. Utyuzhnikov 2023-04-11 SSRN Electronic Journal 3 12
visibility_off Modeling of dynamical systems through deep learning P. Rajendra, V. Brahmajirao 2020-11-22 Biophysical Reviews 35 5
visibility_off A dynamical systems based framework for dimension reduction Ryeongkyung Yoon, B. Osting 2022-04-18 ArXiv 1 19
visibility_off Learning Data-Driven Model of Damped Coupled Oscillators from System Impulse Response Jacob Fabro, G. Vogl, Yongzhi Qu, Reese Eischens 2022-10-28 Annual Conference of the PHM Society 0 19
visibility_off Deep Neural Networks for Nonlinear Model Order Reduction of Unsteady Flows Hamidreza Eivazi, H. Veisi, M. H. Naderi, V. Esfahanian 2020-07-02 ArXiv 131 23
visibility_off Nonlinear system identification with regularized Tensor Network B-splines Ridvan Karagoz, Kim Batselier 2020-03-17 Autom. 18 4
visibility_off Data-driven prediction in dynamical systems: recent developments Amin Ghadami, B. Epureanu 2022-06-20 Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences 43 33
visibility_off An Online Manifold Learning Approach for Model Reduction of Dynamical Systems Liqian Peng, K. Mohseni 2012-10-10 SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 22 40
Abstract Title Authors Publication Date Journal/Conference Citation count Highest h-index